Wedding planning is a hot topic in the blogging world, and yet it’s always been one that bores me to tears to read about.
It’s not that I’m not interested in what other brides choose to do for their weddings. I’m actually quite nosy about it. I want to judge your garish bridesmaid dresses and see whether he cried during the first look. It’s just that there are so. many. details.
It’s no surprise, then, that the details are what’s killing me about planning my own wedding. For those of you who care to read about that, this is the post for you.
From the start, John and I knew we wanted something laid back, something that didn’t feel too overdone. The thing about an event like that, though, is that even if you want it to feel relaxed, you still have to plan it to feel that way. The irony.
I knocked out a lot of the big stuff right off the bat. Venue: check. Dress: check. Hotel & transportation: check, check.
We’ve got a caterer and a menu we like, and the music is coming together, too. Our photographer is booked. We’re about six months out from the wedding, and what’s mostly left are the details.
And that’s exactly the point where my anxiety starts to ratchet skyward.
Peonies or tulips? Who knows? Who cares?
Folding chairs? Chivari chairs? Isn’t there a box somewhere where I can just check ‘yes, please’ for chairs and be done with it?
And don’t even get me started on wedding favors.

My mom got me this wedding planner from The Knot, which is actually a godsend
We’re using a venue that doesn’t do a ton of weddings, so we’ll be bringing in a lot of the furniture and fixtures separately. The woman I spoke with at the rental place told me I’d want to create lots of “interesting moments” throughout the space to serve as focal points for our guests. My idea of an interesting moment would be if Justin Timberlake popped out of the cake, but what do I know?
It’s not that I don’t care about putting together a beautiful event. I do. I feel very lucky to be able to have a wedding and have so many of our friends and family come so far to celebrate with us. Just writing that gives me all the warm fuzzies.
It’s that never in a million years would I come up with all the little details like the embroidered table napkins or the clever sign instructing guests to “pick a seat, not a side.” Just thinking about coordinating those things makes me want to go take several deep breaths into a paper bag.
For now I’m focusing on the important things, like my amazing friends who have yet to get annoyed at my zillion wedding-related texts and my supportive family/soon-to-be in-laws who have given us nothing but the most positive vibes. Oh yeah, and the fact that I get to marry a pretty amazing guy in just shy of 200 days.
But I swear, if one more person tells me how much I OMGABSOLUTELYMUSTHAVE uplighting, I’ll take a match from one of those adorable little customized matchbooks with the bride and groom’s names and burn this entire place down.
So that’s how wedding planning’s going.
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