Have you ever had a week that felt like an eternity?
Not your average ‘oh em gee guys is it Friday yet?’ dragging kind of a workweek. I’m talking a week where you’ve used up so much energy mentally and emotionally by, like, Monday afternoon that the thought of having to go through the motions for the next four days feels impossible.
That’s where I’m at.
One of my pets is sick, and it sucks.
I’ve been incredibly blessed that in my adult life I haven’t had many close loved ones pass away unexpectedly. I’ve lost older family members, yes, but it’s different when someone is elderly and has been in deteriorating health for a long time. I’m not sure this is coming out the way I mean it; no death is easy. What I’m trying to say is, my experience with unexpected loss is very limited, so facing the possibility that I might suddenly lose a creature that’s such a huge part of my life was gut wrenching in a way I haven’t experienced before.
I’m drained.
But anyway, enough about that. My cat is on the mend for now. Until we know more about what caused his illness I’m focusing on the positive, doing a lot of praying and trying to keep my mind on things that are within my control.
Which brings me to the point of this post: 5 things that are currently giving good vibes or getting me inspired.
1. Planning Our Dining Room
More like dining area, if we’re being technical.
It’s the space directly to your left when you walk in our front door, ahead of our couch, and I think it will make the perfect spot for a dining setup.

Here’s the space. Right now it’s filled with all the scraps from our flooring project
Can you believe that in the last three places Johnny and I have lived, we haven’t eaten dinner at a dining room table? I’ll be 31 in a week. It’s time.
For some reason I feel like the space calls for a high top table, maybe with a sideboard or wine rack against the wall behind it. What do you think?
2. My Reading Nook
This is a space I’ve been daydreaming about since the day we moved in.
It’s a window-lined corner opposite the dining area, currently home to my desk and some haphazard stacks of stuff for Goodwill which will soon be moved to my trunk, where I’m sure they’ll sit for at least another two months.
This spot is perfect for a cozy chair, a cushy rug and a dim lamp. I have the rug and lamp picked out and I can’t wait to share them with you, but first I’ve gotta track down the perfect chair. It’s harder than I expected to find one that’s comfy yet not too oversized for the space. Searching for one has been a nice, mindless distraction in this otherwise overwhelming week.
3. Making New Connections
One thing I’ve done a really poor job of since we moved to New York is branching out.
When you work from home, it’s so easy to get comfortable in your same routine day in and day out. Some days, I never even leave the house except to take Bo on a walk (I’m not embarrassed, you’re embarrassed!).
Here I am in the middle of one of the most buzzing and creative cities in the world, not taking advantage of it. Lately I’ve been making an active effort to change that.
Last weekend before all the cat drama, I met up with Kate from Object Liberty, a fellow solopreneur I connected with via a Facebook group for women in business. We got brunch and chatted about all kinds of things, from running our own businesses to technology to life in the suburbs. It was such a break from my normal routine and I left with a fresh dose of excitement about all the projects I’m working on.
I’ve got a few more events like this coming up on the calendar, and I’m jazzed about it.
4. Season Two of Ozark
UMMMM I’m not sure what show the critics who wrote lukewarm reviews about the new season of Ozark were watching, because this season is fucking fantastic.
The characters. The drama. The foreshadowing! Julia Garner as Ruth Langmore might just be my favorite fictional character of all time.
I don’t get into many series, but I can’t stop watching this one. I have three episodes left in the season and it’s taken every ounce of willpower not to stay up all night watching them straight through (does anyone else like to draw out your shows instead of binging them?). If you haven’t watched it yet, make this your net Netflix pick.
5. This New Project
Have I told you? My mom and I started a new website to share her fitness videos and health tips. It’s called Fitness With Cindy and we launched the site about six weeks ago.
We’re still getting everything up and running, but we have so many ideas in the works for content and giveaways and programs and I can’t wait to push forward with it all.
Here’s to hoping the week ahead is less dramatic than the last. Have a great weekend, everyone!
October 4, 2018 at 10:30 pmAlright, 3 things. First of all, we branched together and it was still one of my best NYC moves, so get out there and meet people. Two, we just started Ozark and three episodes in, I’m hooked. And last, I love what your mom is up to. It’s inspiring. Can’t wait to see you this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 5, 2018 at 10:22 amI KNOW. SO EXCITE!!! Omg I’m jealous you have so much Ozark left to enjoy. They don’t even have a release date for the next season yet!