I generally think blog posts about goals are pointless, because does anybody really care what anyone else’s goals are except their own? No? Yes? I don’t know, maybe I’m just a narcissist. I swear though, if I see one more person talking about ‘Tidying Up’ I’m going to smash my wine glass on the floor.
Just kidding. I would never do that.
Anyway, to turn around and completely negate what I just said, I’m doing a blog post about my 2019 goals. So there. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t include the quest to fold all my underwear into tiny little origami that stand up in the drawer (I already do that).
Just kidding. Moving on…
I’m breaking my 2019 goals down into two groups: professional goals and personal goals. I sometimes feel like these two worlds are on vastly different planes for me. On one hand, I love being a #girlboss and am so grateful for the business I’ve been able to build and the ability to control my own time.
On the other hand, I hate the concept of work in general and try to do it as efficiently as possible so that I have more time to spend on things I love, like renovating my house and being with family and friends.
Sometimes I feel like I’m failing professionally because I’m not into the hustle, hustle, hustle! mentality that’s trendy these days. For me it’s more like stroll along, and while that suits me just fine, I sometimes feel like I should be doing things differently, that I’m not *achieving* enough.
But anyway, now I’m just going down a rabbit hole of my own insecurities. That’s another topic for another post. Let’s get back on track.
Professional goals and personal goals.
Professional Goals For 2019
Take more stress-free time off
I took a lot of time off in 2018: two weeks for our wedding and honeymoon, a week for a cruise, basically the entire week between Christmas and New Year’s, and a bunch of long weekends.
I know many people would kill for that much time off, and I’m very grateful for it, but as a business owner, you’re never truly off. Even during our honeymoon, when I had planned way ahead and had a great team in place to cover me, I still found myself peeking at email to make sure there were no fires to put out.
In 2019, I want to take more time off that’s totally work-free. I’m getting better about this and slowly but surely realizing the world will not stop turning if I’m unavailable for a couple days, but I want to continue going down that road.
Do more meaningful work
This is a big one for me. I left my 9-to-5 in 2015, and the first couple years after that were mainly just about trying to make sure all my bills were paid.
Now that I have a little more security in my work, I want to focus more time on projects that I’m passionate about. The website I’m working on with my mom is one of them. This blog is another. Lately I find myself craving a creative outlet, and if I can find a way to combine that with making money, I’m all about it.
Finish revamping my PR course
Do you guys know I have an online course about how to get media exposure for your business? No? Well, neither does anyone else.
I put out this course in 2016 and have done a horrible job of marketing it. It’s one of those things I didn’t feel 100% confident about, so I didn’t put my heart and soul into it. Even so, people have somehow managed to find it and sign up, which tells me maybe it’s a topic worth pursuing.
Revamping and remarketing this course has been on my to-do list for literally years, but it’s going to be a pain in the ass and I keep putting it off. In 2019 I vow to get this done, if for no other reason than to finally cross it off my list.
Personal Goals For 2019
Eat less sugar
Pretty straightforward. Refer here and here for more on this.
Drink less alcohol
I said less, not none, people.
Really, it’s not the alcohol, but the hangovers that are a problem. Since the day I turned 30 it takes a full 24 hours to recover after having any more than a couple drinks, and ain’t nobody got time for that. In 2019 I’d like to gently remind myself that just because the waitress offers another round (and she’s so friendly!) does not mean it’s mandatory to say yes.
And may I never take another Fireball shot as long as I live, so help me god.
Work out most days
Last year I sucked at working out. I’ve always been pretty active, but 2018 just seemed too full of other things to prioritize fitness.
That’s a total cop out, I know. I don’t want to set any lofty expectations like joining a gym or running a marathon in 2019; I just want to work on doing something active most days of the week.
So far I’ve been doing the Dedicate 30-day yoga challenge from Yoga With Adriene, and you guys, I’m loving it. It’s been everything I didn’t know I needed. I highly recommend it (you can start the 30 days at any time).

Maybe by 2025 I’ll be able to straighten my knees
Write for money
My writing to date falls into one of two categories: writing I’ve done for fun, for myself, for free, and writing I’ve been hired to do by a client. Both are cool, but you know what would be even cooler? Seeing my name on an original piece of writing on a topic I came up with that I pitched, reported on and was paid for.
I would really love to make that happen this year. I put this one under personal instead of professional because it’s not so much about the money (which is good thing, because I hear writing doesn’t pay sh!t) but about accomplishing something that’s been in the back of my mind for a long time.
^^^Omg, that came out to exactly 1,000 words unedited. Writing about my goals was clearly meant to be. The 2019 gods are smiling on me. I am a child of the Universe and I am fearless and I shine bright like a diamond. Let’s go out there and crush this year. But, like, in a chill way.
What are your 2019 goals?